Monday, December 1, 2008


Today my gym class had to attend a event in our school called the "HIV/AIDS Quilt". Even though it was my third year listening to the Heart Club speak about HIV/AIDS, I was still so interested. I feel sad though because while I was listening to the information and speeches, quilts made by loved ones for their friends and family surrounded us in the small gym area. I felt like crying when one of the speaker finished, his story was so sad.

The speaker (I've forgotten his name, lets call him bob) told us about his girlfriend and passed out a photo of her and showed us a picture of their dog. Bob said his girlfriend was diagnosed with HIV at age 20, and when he met her she was 30, which meant she was infected with HIV for 10 years already. While they were dating, she told him that she was HIV Positive. Bob is HIV Negative, and even though he was afraid he really loved her. Then I guess another 10 year passed and it was around new years time. In the car, Bob's girlfriend was throwing up and entered the hospital 4 days later. This was the first time she was hospitalized since finding out about her HIV. Bob's girlfriend was in the hospital from January 4th till March, and he was there everyday for hours hoping she'd get better. He ended his speech telling us that he is still HIV Negative, his girlfriend died around 2 years ago, and the one living thing in this world he loves most is their dog. That dog originally belong to his girlfriend, then both, and now his. I thought it was so touching.

I would like to have a moment of silence for all the friends and family that has died due to HIV/AIDS...the only way to stop the spreading of HIV would be to raise awareness.

Besides that, I guess I should recommend another song.
This song is a favorite of mine, it's by Celine Dion. Title is "Because you loved me". If you ask me this is a pretty appropriate for my blog today, right?
"I was blessed because I was loved by you...
You gave me strength cause you believed"

Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion

1 comment:

vickie said...

those people came to my school too. yeah when they were talking about their story i wanted to tear.