Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Freaking OUT!

Oh my goodness, any kids out there freaking out about college?

I know that this was going to happen but I didn't expect it so soon or late? I'm not sure anymore...College is the big word for me. I sat around, slacked off, cut class, talked back to teachers, joked around about my work...and now it's come back to burn me. I knew that my GPA counted for all four years and everything, yet, I still allowed myself to be so lazy and uncaring. I'm so worried now, like more worried then those who are waiting for their acceptance letters.

May 2nd is the day that I take my first SAT test, I've had little prep. and also slacked off all around. I am PRAYING for my score to be over 1600 or else I may cry like a rainy day. Right now, I'm going to get rid of all the junk I don't clothes and such. REALLY! if anyone wants ANYTHING of mine just offer me more then 5 dollars? HAHAHA...except my bags and jackets(;

okay so college college college. All i know is that i'm definitely going to apply for SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Albany, St Johns, SUNY Stonybrook, CUNY Baruch, Long Island U, Barnard (?),Brooklyn College.

GOOD LUCK FOR PEOPLE TAKING SATS! I don't know how to end this again..let me give a nice song to all the '09 Grads!

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