Friday, April 10, 2009

My Past Month

Wow, I notice how my blogs seemed to get really off topic. what two people share, right?
A month ago my relationship with someone I cared about ended, that relationship only lasted a year but I felt really depressed. That led to me skipping class and screwing myself over. I got into so much trouble, I thought of hanging myself too...I know how scary that sounds but that's the full truth.

Now, I'm healing myself with the help of my friends. I really want to thank Robert, Tat, Jackson, Kristy, Shirley(s), Kevin, Nicole, and Ivan(!) too. There's obviously more people but these people talked to me about my problems during that month. I realized how much my life will change within one year, so I'm going to focus to the sake of my life. I know, I sound really stupid because I'm explaining the situation where it's like I'm blaming my relationship with that one guy. To be honest, he deserves my thanks too. If I didn't feel the way I did when I was with him, I wouldn't realize all of these things. Thank you.

another thing, I was talking to Ivan and we were discussing preferences of the person we would want to be with. I don't know if I was asking for too much but I said

I expect him to:

  • care if I get hurt

  • to be confident, but not to a point where he's cocky.

  • protective of me

  • like me as more than just a friend, BUT no matter what, he can still be a friend.

  • be able to talk about his problems, and listen to mine.

  • love his family, and care for his friends.

  • have common sense and be responsible for his actions

  • realize that playing around with my feelings is wrong.

Is it too much to ask for? Either way, i know what i want now and I'm not going to stray towards the wrong way anymore. To finish this blog..(short blog again!)

Here's a pretty common song, but i like it:
Dead and Gone:

Dead and gone - Justin Timberlake

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