Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Day of School!

School's out for us High School kids in New York City! Time to hit the beach and vacation all over the world, right? Not right. DAMN THE REGENTS! after regents week, then we should feel free to kick back and relax.

ANYWAYS! I've been doing a lot of studying and homeworking's quite amazing for some one like me. Today was the last day of classes, gosh it was a relieving day. Took pictures and had some laughs. Congrats to you class of 2009 ! but but but..of course...2010 is here to kick ass!

What did everyone do today ?

OH yesterday i went to watch Star Trek and The Hangover.

Star Trek Rating : B+
When I came back from the bathroom and the movie had just started. At that moment my eyes were glued unless i was looking down for the popcorn or rasinets. LOL! James Kirk and Spark is amazing. The acting in this movie was awesome, and maybe the movie's plot might have been a little bit fuzzy, but the effects were so great. I heard the movie wasn't very good from Star Trek fans, but since i'm not a fan..i liked what i saw. haha who agrees Spark was good looking? hahaha! and that guy from harold and kumar was so ...surprising..anyways. if you haven't saw the movie already..go watch it.

The Hangover Rating: B-
HAHAHA is all i really feel like saying, but of course that is not an actual review. I thought it was so entertaining, but a bit cliche...i don't know if anyone else felt like he would already be on the roof. The whole baby thing was so cute...haha..."don't do that at the table..." :) I really can't comment...but GO WATCH IT.

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